Complaints about sanitation, lack of green and crime are perennial in Baltimore. City Hall seems to be too cash-strapped and too disorganized to provide its citizens with the basics of safe and clean streets and public spaces.
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Special clean up services for an extra tax (Photo: Midtown) |
Enter the special benefits district legally anchored in the City Charter Article 14 in which owners and businesses within certain boundaries agree to pay special taxes to get extra services. Baltimore has a whole bunch of those districts including downtown (managed by the Downtown Partnership), Charles Village, Midtown, the Waterfront Management District, the York Corridor Business Improvement , the Port Covington Community Benefits and the South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District as well as the Baltimore Tourism Improvement District and four Arts and Entertainment Districts (which are not regulated in Chapter 14).
Most of the actual improvement districts are located in the more affluent areas of the so-called "white L". The sheer number of those districts would suggest that a whole lot of property owners in the better areas thought that city services are bad enough to warrant extra tax payments.
Right now one of these Baltimore Districts is in question because the usual quadrennial renewal with a vote in the City Council somehow didn't happen: Midtown, an area that includes Charles-North, Bolton Hill, Madison-Park, and Mt. Vernon-Belvedere has about 14,500 residents. The district includes several high profile areas along Charles Street, the Cultural District and Penn Station.
We live in Bolton Hill and the Midtown Benefits District is a huge help keeping our green spaces clean and maintained. We do the planting, they mulch, clean up trash and clean up any park debris we ask for. Generally within 24 hours (Comment on the Banner website)
As it is with benefits districts, only property owners can vote (One vote per parcel). In Midtown there are 4000 or so owners who received a ballot to vote this district back into existence. The vote is successful if 58% of all voters opt for yes. The Midtown special benefits district exists since 1996. The Baltimore Charter says this about the district:
Midtown Map (Midtown) |
There is a Midtown Community Benefits District Management Authority, referred to in this subtitle as the “Authority”. The purpose of the Authority is to promote and market the District, provide supplemental security and maintenance services, provide amenities in public areas, provide park and recreational programs and functions, and after its establishment, other services and functions as requested by the Authority and approved by an ordinance of the Mayor and City Council.[...] The Authority shall: (1) not be or constitute or be deemed an agency of the City or the State of Maryland; (2) to the greatest extent allowable by law, be deemed a special taxing district, and therefore a governmental body, both politic and corporate, exercising only such powers as are provided for in this subtitle;
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Midtown safety patrol (Photo: Midtown) |
The trouble that the Midtown district currently inadvertently encounters puts a spotlight on the question why we have so many special districts and if those are really useful, a question that is rarely asked when those districts have become like another skin of local governance.
What may have been an issue in the 1980s and 90s when these districts were created may not apply anymore today. For example, Baltimore's current Mayor has put a lot of additional money into Recreation and Parks; the 2025 budget calls for $21,066.6 million, up from $16,095.5 million in 2023. Would that increase not allow better maintenance of street trees and pocket parks?
Equally, the City is forever trying to improve trash collection, recycling and efficiency of trash collection. Is the effectiveness of those efforts obscured by crews of additionally paid workers cleaning up behind the city workers? And what about disadvantaged neighborhoods that don't have the extra street cleaners? The problem of inequity is obvious: While the Charles Village and Midtown appear relatively clean, neighborhoods in the black butterfly are drowning in trash.
Baltimore's trash stands out. At times Baltimore is called the trashiest city in America.This appears to be more a problem of resident's behavior than one of failing services. This article shows which would indicate that "upstream" measures would be more effective than the most "downstream" of all measures, the clean-up of the tossed materials.
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Trash in an alley behind Baltimore Street (SUN photo) |
Crime in Baltimore City has gone down significantly, especially murder and violent crime. But quality-of-life-impeding crime such as brazen muggings, robberies and car-jackings have spread across the city regardless of the special districts and cannot be prevented by benefits district workers.
Owners and residents in the Midtown district harbor a number of misgivings according to a recent article in the Banner. Some think economic development and work force training have distracted the group from its core mission. The effectiveness of the much larger Downtown Partnership has also come into question in recent years. Downtown has fallen on hard times after COVID, just as in many other cities. However, many residents and business owners were angered by the new electronic billboards, decisions to move festivals around and failings at this year's restaurant week.
Do initially nimble and highly motivated local initiatives calcify over time, befallen by the same ailments of inertia, procrastination and bureaucracy as the general government? Shouldn't the special districts be a temporary fix until local government gets its act together? Wouldn't a full vote every so often be good not only for Midtown all districts?
As it is, having to recreate a special district after 18 years is a unique Midtown experience. It will be interesting to see how the vote will come out. It could be a bellwether on how people feel about their general city services and about the idea of piling special services on top instead of fixing the regular government instead.
For folks pondering how to vote their ballot or what they should think about these special districts in general, I conducted some research. The most obvious pros and cons that apply, no matter where a district is located.
Adding additional jurisdictional layers and separating service delivery functions into separate organizations can contribute to “a pathological phenomenon… that there are too many governments and not enough government” (Polycentric Governance)
Trash complaints over time. None of the listed neighborhoods has a Improvement District (SUN graphic) |
- Limited services and extra cash allow a special focus on clean, green and safe
- Owners and residents in the district have someone to go to that is more local than city government
- Flexibility: The district's board can decide quicker and more flexibly how the collected money should be spent
- Special districts are relatively insulated from the political agenda of city hall
- The district allow special branding, visibility and marketing which can enhance property values
- In spite of guaranteed baseline services at the creation of the district, it is possible that standard city services in the district decrease because the district provides them better
- The district board and governance is oriented to private interest and doesn't represent the public in the same was a generally elected city government
- The extra tax increases the already high property tax burden and may not be affordable to low income homeowners
- The benefits districts are in many ways an additional layer of governance in response to ineffective local services
- A multitude of benefits districts can lead to fragmented city planning