The County wants to raze the proud 57,700 sf structure in favor of a expeditious, dinky 13,000 sf run-of the mill standard rec center structure that would hardly be visible on Catonsville's Main Street.
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A 2014 photo of the school from the Catonsville Times which wrote a profile about me |
The old ES became vacant in a game of musical chairs which in itself is the result of a previous fight about demolition, in which the old Bloomsbury Middle School, also located in Catonsville's village center, was saved from the wrecking ball in 1995. The elementary school recently moved into a yet again renovated Bloomsbury building where it could expand to accommodate 700 students but displaces community center functions.
The Frederick Road ES had been slightly over state capacity, with 458 students in a school with an maximum enrollment of 405. At Bloomsbury the will also have air-conditioning, something the old building lacked. Everybody knows by now, how AC has advanced to the highest educational level.
This leaves the question what to do with the old facility that now stands empty. The fact that the future use of vacated buildings isn't part of the plans for new ones has puzzled me for a long time, especially for public buildings, but State, Feds and locals are all equally guilty of not integrating use of abandoned facilities into their equations. A monstrous example of that is the move of Social Security West from downtown Baltimore to Reisterstown Road, a move that left 11 acres in downtown abandoned, and no plans for the 1.1 million square in place. (That facility was eventually auctioned off to Caves Valley developers, plans for future use are still being developed).
Proposed small community center (hatched area) set back from Frederick Road (foreground) |
There are many reasons to keep the old structure:
- Preservation of a piece of Catonsville culture where many residents went to school
- Maintaining the by far largest historic building on Frederick Road
- Saving the embedded energy of a substantial structure exhibiting past craft
- Over 50,000 squarefeet of use have a much bigger potential of positive economic activity and fiscal impact than 13,000.
- The existing building makes for a much better "main street" type streetscape
- The existing building can accommodate many uses that would be good to have in Catonsville, including a county arts center.
- An open space bracketed by a substantial building makes for a much better public plaza
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The Catonsville ES from above (Frederick Road at top): Some demolition in back is possible |
County officials need to get beyond the two extreme choices of spending $19 million precious tax dollars or razing the school. Adaptive reuse can include a profitable private component that can bring the missing funds to the table in turn for a use that could generate taxes and actually generate income to the County.
Sometime in the 1990s the County has tried this option before, in York Road with a Coeckeysville school. Baltimore City has plenty of converted schools, artists in old warehouses and factories and new schools in old warehouses, all including private development money. The city has actually become a ntional model for creative adaptive reuse. It is time for the County to become a bit more imaginative than simply tearing down history.
Klaus Philipsen, FAIA
Baltimore SUN about the elementary school swap
Related article on this blog:
How this Catonsville Elementary School can be saved
Thanks, Klaus, for your well crafted answer to the question of tearing down the school. I just received a copy of the Manns Woodward plan that calls for the 19 million renovation amount. I will be going through it with a fine tooth comb to ascertain what necessary items will need to be included in an amended cost study. Did you know that there is an on-line Sunpaper article written by Jon Bleiweis this week about the school. You are quoted in the article. You may want to look it up. I looked for an article in this week's Catonsville Times, but couldn't find anything.