Late to the party: The new 10 year plans
Baltimore City calls it a Comprehensive Plan and hasn't done one since 2006. Baltimore County calls it Masterplan 2030 and its last version is from 2020. Both jurisdictions are in the process of getting new plans done this year and both are out of sync with the round numbers that the State required 10 year cycle for those plans suggest. This has to do with the idea that the plans follow the census.
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Baltimore City Comp Plan logo |
The City titling the effort "Our Baltimore- Your Baltimore" was looking for "storytelling ambassadors", the County posted the entire draft plan in the form of story-maps. Planning as a "story" is quite departure from the dry Comp Plans of old as with the "plan elements" that are required and outlined by the State. The innovative approach comes from the American Planning Association (APA). Both City and County planning departments lean heavily on the APA publication Best Practices for a Comprehensive Plan. As a result, both start out with identical vision frameworks (Liveable Environment, Harmony with Nature, Inclusive (or resilient) Economy, Healthy Communities). The County added Responsible Regionalism and Inclusive Planning.
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Baltimore County Masterplan logo |
MTA buses and trains cover City and County but the system continues to underperform (Photo: Philipsen) |
Similarities and differences in how City and County approach the plans
The County's outreach started with a dashboard that included basic facts and figures about the County, even though there wasn't a systematic critique of the previous plan or some analysis of what goals of the previous plan have been achieved, not achieved or reached obsolescence. The City has a section that deals with the old 2006 plan and provides a progress report. For a 17 year runtime the results of the old plan are somewhat tepid. Only 12 goals became adopted City policy, 40 were completed or need an update, 65 are labeled ongoing or in progress without specifying the rate of progress, 21 were never started or pursued.
The County is ahead at this point. Its plan was presented a draft in April and since then has been heard by the Planning Board with the Council reviewing it next (On August 8th). The Council will eventually formally adopt or amend the draft. The original print version of an article in the Baltimore SUN stated that the Council can only adopt or reject the plan wholesale without the ability to modify or amend. That is incorrect and has since been corrected. Initially the Council was to begin discussing the Plan on August 7, that has now been delayed.
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Baltimore County Places Map with City carved out |
The City plan is envisioned to be before the City Council about a year from now. A small difference between City and County approach is the way outreach how has been organized: The City opted to install an advisory council as a second pipeline to provide community information in addition to the "open houses". The notes of the feedback so far can be found here. Another round of engagement is planned for the fall. In addition the Planning Department solicits input from all other City Departments, most of them have their own masterplans or strategic plans. (A list of all plans can be found here)
Our Advisory Council was not appointed, but selected through an open application process in 2021, during the pre-planning phase of this project. The selection process prioritized Baltimore residents with deep community involvement and leadership. Members of the Advisory Council helped shape the development of our Community Engagement Leadership Team.
The County had similar pipelines to gather community and expert input. The County website states:
Baltimore County Master Plan 2030 is an aspirational planning document that charts a course for the County throughout the next decade and beyond. The plan represents the culmination of a lengthy master-planning process which began in spring 2021 and included community outreach and public input phases, recommendations from local experts, stakeholders and County agencies, as well as, deliberation and coordination among numerous County agencies and Department of Planning staff. ... [the plan] is based on a systems approach, with three interwoven themes and six guiding principles.
Neither the City nor the County plan adhere fully to the required elements set forth by the State. The County's housing element is weak and its implementation element is deferred to some future point.
A Master Plan 2030 implementation page will be created after the master plan is adopted by the Baltimore County Council and will include implementation strategies and tracking of success. (County Website)
It isn't clear yet, how the City plan will shape up, but staff says it will include all State required elements that are applicable in the City.
Many systems know no boundaries
With a "systems approach" and this weird geography in which the County grips around the City like a vise, it appears obvious that these City and County plans for the next ten years or more would be developed in close cooperation. County Planning Director Lafferty and City Planning Director Ryer said as much themselves. Indeed, Lafferty attended City open houses and both directors kept an open line of communication. Alas, regionalism in the County plan is vague under the vison framework title Responsible Regionalism in the County framework.
Clearly, for all the interdependence, the Count and the City are very different animals, no matter the identical framework and titles. The County has benefited from urban flight and racial fear all the way to the post WWII State law that prohibits the City from annexing any more County land. The City by contrast was landlocked and left with the folks who were either prevented by discrimination from fleeing or didn't have the means or both. In a short lived reversal of fortunes, urbanity had a revival and attracted young creatives to move back to the cities nationwide. But Baltimore didn't capitalize sufficiently from this trend and continued to shrink to the point that the County is today more than 1/3 than it was in 1970 while the City shrank at the same rate. Now the County is 1/3 larger than the the City.
City information panel for outreach |
Smart growth versus sprawl
With its large land mass the County had the foresight to protect its vast open spaces as early as the 1960s. It limited limit water and sewer service to land inside the urban rural demarcation line (URDL) which stands to this day and was recognized as a bold and progressive step in planning the future. The result is that about 90% of the population lives on the smaller portion of county land that surrounds the city in mostly what has become known as "inner ring suburbs". Not surprisingly this has irked
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Success: 90% of the County population lives in side the growth boundary protecting vaulable farms and forests. All of City residents live inside an area that should grow but shrinks. |
developers ever since the growth boundary was created, itching to tear it down and open the rural areas to sprawl. This round of masterplanning is no exception, with developers and their attorneys demanding that the URDL have to be "studied". There is now even a suggestion that [the URDL] "has contributed to past racial and economic segregation" That is a rather bold statement given that the reverse is closer to the truth. The large low density sprawl opportunities that the County offered even with the URDL in place fueled urban flight and segregation, not to mention the historic hostility in parts of the County against diversity.
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Cities with highest population losses (Baltimore = darker bar) |
Not only does the County run out of green fields to build on within the URDL, inner ring suburbs increasingly experience the same "urban ills" as the City had experienced first, namely increasing poverty and all that comes from poverty, lower school success, lower life expectancy, more crime. Hence, the County masterplan emphasizes "Retrofit" as the development strategy of the future, nothing less than "reinventing the suburbs". A good goal but not specific enough. Missing is a map showing the actual development capacity for the County based on the retrofit concept.
"Retrofit" irks developers: Innovation gutted
The "retrofit" theme also irked County developers who feared that remaining open spaces inside the URDL could be locked up in favor of using previously developed areas that have infrastructure but are often underutilized or sit fallow.
The County Planning Board in its review of the draft masterplan mostly heard from the lawyers of the development interest. In one session one law firm alone used the two minute testimony per speaker limit with four different speakers who conveniently wove a long story of how development would suffer should the original masterplan language be adopted.
The County's Board liberally gutted the major provisions of the Masterplan, namely the focus on "retrofit" and the intended sequencing in which major rezoning would follow the masterplan (and the community plans) and not run independent of it. They also wanted to nuke the APA idea of the plan consisting of "story boards" which would continually evolve over the 10 year life span. The lawyers argued that this was way too complicated and oped that the many "live" links and cross references be eliminated in favor of a static PDF plan that can be bound into a binder and collect dust on a shelf.
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Lafarge former mine in Baltimore County:(SUN photo) What does the Masterplan say? |
It will now depend on the County Council to breathe life back into the initially ambitious plan. One has to see whether the Council has the guts to end the unholy history of obtuse and corrupt County development planning. Given that council members have almost absolute power over re-zoning in their district or over introducing or not introducing a "Planned Unit Development" (PUD) its hard to be too optimistic. Especially the PUD process has opened the doors wide to all kinds of developments that in clear violation of typical planning procedures entirely dispose of the restrictions of the underlying zoning.
A recent example may be the most egregious case: A PUD introduced on behalf of the worldwide cement company LaFarge which would have allowed a large potion of their 450 acre former sand quarry to be developed as a trucking warehouse area even though the land was zoned RC8 which stands for resource conservation and means low density resdiential uses to protect environmentally sensitive areas. The matter was so drastic a violation of good practice and cause such an upheaval in the Middle River community that the new councilman revoked the PUD of his predecessor. For Baltimore County this was quite a heroic act. The masterplan suggests a PUD process reform The developer already regsitered their opposition to change current procedure. Its unlikely the Council has much appetite to curb its absolute power. Still, given widespread public discontent there could be more heroic efforts of standing up to powerful interest.
What are the emerging City themes?
The city's emerging big themes are less clear at this point, although there could be many: Growing population back, eradicating vacant homes, lower property taxes or split land taxes that tax land and improvements on it separately, TOD etc. Will the city recognize how much it is intertwined with the County and also have a "regional" component? The City planners in charge of the plan update identified three sections that emerge as the structure of the new plan: Policy, growth and retention, and a geographic element (map and land use plan) that shows where what should happen. Such a land use map had not been part of the 2006 plan conceived by the Planning Director Rolley who dubbed his plan a "business plan".
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dark red areas shows highest population loss, dark blue highest gains |
The data section of the panels presented to citizens as part of the outreach effort were heavy on demographic data from the census, especially on population loss. Growing back has been a goal since O'Malley was Mayor and was made more explicit by Mayor Rawlings. However, the city continued to shrink more than any other large US city other than Detroit.
Attention council members!
Most of the Planning Board or Planning Commission members in County and City are not planning professionals One can safely assume that much of the mundane planning stuff of a 10 year masterplan goes over their heads making them vulnerable to special interest. The County's Board actions should be a warning sign to the City. In both places the last word is with the Council. Given the many problems we have in the Baltimore region council members should pay a lot of attention to plans that will define the region for a decade.
Klaus Philipsen, FAIA
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